The dream of Benijo

20 April 2020 - General - Comments -

 Carlos M. Almagro - Benijo-Blog-cover-english.jpg

In these days of confinement, wishing my images can take you out for a couple of minutes, I tell you with words and images, my affair with this beautiful spot of the island where I have the pleasure to live...

I remember when I was prepearing my move to Tenerife island, while living in Ibiza. By that time I was starting with photography and, in spite of being in Tenerife before, I had only visited the typical touristic spots (Teide, Los Gigantes,  the millenary drago, Puerto de la Cruz…). Searching for some information of the island where I was going to live and some spots where I could keep growing my passion for photography, I found  a photo of Benijo beach, of which I had never heard before. It was great to know that I would have that promising spot a few kilometers from where I would move to. So, once the move was finished, the first place we visited was the small village of Benijo and its main attraction, that magical beach to which you can access after an interesting staircase with beautiful views.
If you have visited my website or social media before, it’s easy to guess that this is one of my favorite places. I often upload photos I took there and I know it can be a bit tedious but I try to insert them between photos from many other places. It could be said that I am some kind of Benijo freak, who doesn’t get tired of going there again and again, always excited to see what weather conditions I will find.
If you saw Forrest Gump, you probably remember of Bubba Gump shrimps… “coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew…”. So, something similar happens with Benijo… Benijo with high tide, low tide, sunset, sunrise, with rocks, with sand, woth clouds, without them, with seaweed, with people, alone, with stars…
Not being any webcam around or being the weather forecast so trustworhy there, it is usually an enigma what you will find there although it is only 12 km (straight line distance) from Santa Cruz de Tenerife. As an anecdote, sometimes I tell about that day when we were planning to visit Benijo in the afternoon with some jobmates. It was November and it rained so much during the day in the city that we thought abouth changing our plans. One of my jobmates said she wouldn’t go because the road is not the most safe in a rainy day. Before taking a decission I called to a restaurant in that part of the island and at first I thought she was joking when the woman said that sky weather was really nice there. To cross the tunnel (about 150mt. long) under El Bailadero was amazing, leaving a grey rainy dark day and appearing in a warm sunny day there. We even had a swim there. Of course, the swimwear comes always with me 
There in Benijo beach I have lived beautiful moments alone, with family or with friends. I have also known and talked with locals or turists and meet some other locals and outside photographers. Apart from the photography, it is an unique placeto spend a day by the beach, avoiding if possible the days and hours when it is overcrowded. Even if the waves and streams make it a dangerous beach, there is no problem when you know your limits and don’t go further than where you can keep your feet in the sand.
So may this blog work as a small tribute to this wonderful spot of the island that I am so much in love with. There is a total of 33 photos, most of which were taken before 2019. Many other photos are left for a possible future entry.

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Hola Carlos.
Una gran recopilación de ese sitio, que infinidad de posibilidades tiene esa playa a cada cuál mejor.
Gracias por sacarnos un poco de casa con ellas.

Saludos Luis
Todas espectaculares !!!
Buena recopilación Carlos.
Un saludo.
Eduardo Hdez
Muy buen trabajo, enhorabuena, por esas estuoendas fotos. Un saludo
María Candelaria
Tus fotografías son mágicas creo que esa es la palabra que mejor las definen para mi. Espléndido trabajo gracias por compartirlo y dejarnos disfrutar de tan buen trabajo.
Victor A.
Te felicito por este fantástico trabajo. Unas fotografías fantásticas , que nos transportan a Benijo, la playa más mágica de Tenerife.
Francisco José Ruano
Un trabajo realmente increíble y a la vez inspirador. Enhorabuena Carlos por esta magnífica colección
Carlos Alberto
Es una colección fantástica Carlos.Esta playa me recuerda mucho al Playón de Bayas.Saludos
Javi Espinosa
Una maravilla de fotos. Un lugar espectacular.
Eres el rey de esa playa Carlos! Jajaja Muy buenas las fotos tío
Son maravillosas

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